0034 951909264 / 0034 654056653 Info@funeralspain.com

Services offered here at Funeral Care Spain

Funeral services in Spain do not have to be a great deal different from those in your home country.

We advise you of the legal requirements involved and give an inclusive itemised bill showing the exact costs and taxes. Do not hesitate to ask questions or even for a second opinion. If in doubt use your consulate office for assistance and refer to the guidelines they give for those in your situation.

Here at Funeral Care Spain we offer a bespoke service to all our clients. There are no time limits or obligations once the deceased is taken into professional care; however there may be a cost involved after a certain period.

The services we offer are:

Collection of the deceased

Chapel Of Rest – desired location

Discussion of pastoral service

Dressing and conditioning of the deceased

Provision of hearse for the funeral

Organising and carrying out of the service and venues

Cremation or burial at the desired location

Delivery of ashes OR organisation of a headstone

All legal documentation for the deceased

Certification for flight if required

From this page you will be able to navigate to ideas for flowers, music, poems and various customs that you may feel relevant are your family and the memory of your loved one.