Post Mortems & Inquests
A post mortem will be carried out if the cause of death is unknown, sudden, violent, an unnatural death or if the person’s identity is unknown.
The individual will be transported for an examination pathologists who will ascertain whether the death was due to natural causes. If this is the case they will issue the legal paperwork and the body will be released to the funeral director.
If the death is not seen to be due to natural causes then the case must be sent to a local court where the evidence will be examined to determine the cause of death.
Unfortunately this can take weeks or even months depending on the nature and complexity of the case. These procedures can cause delays in the release of the body. A funeral can take place whilst an inquest is in progress; however restrictions may need to be adhered to whilst the inquest is completed.
Post mortems are always carried out the day following death. Initial results should be available within 48 hours.
Due to the work conducted as part of a post mortem it is advised you consult your funeral director before viewing your loved one.