0034 951909264 / 0034 654056653 Info@funeralspain.com
After months of careful planning and consideration we are pleased to announce the birth of Peaceful Paws, a service designed to bring a fitting end for families whose beloved pet has passed away.
Our pets are as much a family member as their humans, so Funeral Care Spain are now giving the same care, dignity and respect that we give all our customers to the four pawed community who are crossing the rainbow bridge.
From basic cremation services at purpose built facilities, to use of our viewing room and even funeral ceremonies, we are here to give you the help and support that you need along with our trusted name and track record of professionalism with attention to detail.
Losing a pet is a devastating experience, we are here to guide the way. Whether its a natural passing at home or at a clinic under vet intervention
we will attend and take care of your loved one as we would one of our own.


24hr Helpline 654056653

Office 951909264